A little touch of spring 2017

Good grief it was a busy year, here I am back again hoping to write more and more frequently, I actually enjoy it, problem is, my best ideas are just before I got to sleep, when I am in the car or shower and time has been very tight for a while.

Ok enough with the excuses, its about making time, its something I preach and to be completely honest I broke my foot in January and was home more than ever for 10 weeks so technically I should have got with the program and written then.. but hey, better late than never huh.

Been in the midst of renovations and travels, a lot of corporate work but all lovely projects, but on the way home from a shoot last week, when I decided not to drive but to take public transit, I took some snaps of spring.

Springtime is like the rebirth of a new year, its almost telling you its ok to start over, or restart something from where it left off. Whichever way you decide to think of it, when the buds start to pop out from their winter hibernation its always a feeling of beginning something.

We have to wait until late April here in Montreal, back in my native England we are lucky enough to have buds and leaves, blossoms and blooms in March and that is definitely something I miss.

Nevertheless, it still inspires me and fills me with new ideas, knowing that the wait of warmer weather is over and that the longer days and tropical nights will be upon us very soon.